The Saturday after Easter, at about 9:30 at night in a Denny's parking lot in Commerce, I picked up a starter colony of bees. I had ordered them from , a family-owned apiary that pollinates cranberries in Wisconsin and almonds, watermelons, and avocados in California. The young woman, Sarah, who owns the business focuses on creating and selling new hives. When you start beekeeping, you're faced with a number of choices that as a novice you are ill-prepared to understand, let alone answer. Langstroth, Warre, or top-bar hive? Ten or 8 frame? Deep, medium, or shallow hive bodies, or a combination of all three? And the one I found toughest - where are you going to get bees? I made the plan to become a beekeeper last year. I did a bit of reading, found a company online for the basic stuff I'd need that seemed to mesh with my outlook ( ), and bought some hardware. I got a nice setup for a Langstroth hive, which is the traditional sta...